Monday, June 15, 2009

Collective Soul - The Band for Everyone

I've been a fan of music for a LONG time. ALL types of music from multiple era's - rock and roll, jazz, fusion, funk, R&B, reggae, soul, blues, etc.

First concert for me was the first US tour for Aerosmith and Bachman Turner Overdrive - WOW I was HOOKED on live music from then on. I have seen a ton of bands since that first one but one that is missing is Collective Soul. Family obligations seemed to always hit when they were in the area. But CD's were in the stores and buy them I did. I listen to them every day on the way to and from work. Hopefully we will be able to make it when they are in Indianapolis this month.

Collective Soul is very unique for a band and for celebrities in general for a lot of reasons. They are very talented musically. Very accomplished compositionaly. Incredible individually. Very fan friendly. Man their parents did a great job and should be so proud of all of them - seriously!

No band has done more to seize any and all forms of media/medium and run with it to reach out to us their fans - CD's concerts, charity work, Web site(s), Facebook, Twitter, email, phone, exclusive videos, etc.

These guys really get us and love us as much as we love them. And here is a story to prove it. We, like many others I'm sure, have had a very hard year and know things will get better but it's going to be a journey; but we will get through it. Well our youngest is also a big Collective Soul fan and budding musician. A couple of weeks ago he celebrated his 13th birthday. I contacted Dean and asked it he would mind sending him an encouraging email and man did he. If you could have SEEN the look on our sons face when he got the email from Dean. And his older siblings were BLOWN AWAY that Dean did this. How many other musicians would bother to do anything like that? Seriously. They are awesome :-)

What more can I say ? Well lots but I don't want to ramble on. They are a band that is great, loves what they do, loves and truly appreciates the fans and all this makes for a great time.

So check out Collective Soul on all the mediums I've mentioned. For example:

Here is how I first hooked up with them electronically:

The Collective Soul Twitter Account

Their great website and blog:

Tour information here:

Read about them here:

Whatever option you choose, choose something and you will be glad you did !

1 comment:

Elizabeth Alraune said...

I had a feeling about Collective Soul when I first followed. It was faint, as I didn't really know them, or their music. It is really great to get an affirmation of how great they seem to be by hearing these stories. What Dean did for your son is awesome, and you are cool for even asking for it on his behalf! So often people don't even try. I am appreciating hooking up with Collective Soul fans - since they appreciate Collective Soul, they seem to have some pretty good energy themselves. If you'd like to connect, find me @JoLoPe. In addition, I wrote a very different blog entry about them, if you'd like to check it out, it's from quite a different perspective - All the best to you and your family!